Monday Friday 8:00 - 18:30
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Cantina del Castello - Header territorio

The territory


Among the green hills and their vineyards, lies the town of Soave, a medieval village where history and tradition intertwine creating new memories to link to indelible experiences.

This pearl of Northen Italy is located in Veneto, about twenty kilometers from Verona and about eighty kilometers from Venice, on the axis of the A4 motorway.

The town is protected by ancient walls topped with 24 towers that, starting from the majestic Scaliger castle, surround the town and embrace the life that flows inside.

The vibrant color of the earth and the sky dominate the views of the region, which serve to relieve the beholder’s soul. The nature expresses itself through its scents and fruits and signals the rhythm of work in the vineyards.

Cantina del Castello - Territorio


The origin of the village probably dates back to the Stone Age with the first human settlements. While the historic center was founded in the Lombard era by a Swabian tribe (in Italian are named “Svevi”) where the names “Suaves” and “Suevi” came from, which later became “Soavi” and finally Soave.

In addition to the castle, the city offers numerous iconic historical monuments such as:

  • the 13th century Palazzo dei Conti Sambonifacio (which is now home to Cantina del Castello);
  • the Palazzo dei Conti Cavalli of 1411;
  • the Palazzo di Giustizia and the Palazzo del Capitano of 1375;
  • the Palazzo Pullici of the fifteenth century home of Ippolito Nievo, Italian writer and patriot;
  • the Palazzo dei Conti Moscardo of the seventeenth century;
  • the Cathedral of S. Lorenzo martyr of 1303;
  • the Church of S.Giorgio of the XI century;
  • the Church of Santa Maria di Monte Santo of the Dominican Fathers of 1443;
  • the 15th century Church of San Rocco di Sant’Antonio from 1667;
  • the XI century Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Bassanella.

Cantina del Castello - Territorio

Discover the wine tastings proposed by our cellar: exclusive experiences to discover our wines and the territory of Soave.

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